The planning is almost complete for our month-long adventure in Scotland. This is a trip both of us have been wanting to do since we traveled to Ireland (and fell in love with the country and people) quite a number of years ago.
Strawberry scone with clotted cream |
Smoky sent off for a DNA test to determine his ancestry. Results should be in soon. From what he already knows about his forefathers, we expect he belongs to the Donachaigh Clan, but once he hears from the test, we will know for sure.
Meanwhile, we have made plans to travel around a good bit of Scotland. I think we're on version 18 of the travel itinerary! We have a few remaining reservations to make, but most of it is done. There will be many visits to castles in our future, and we're hoping to experience some great food (scones with strawberries and cream, yum!), beautiful music, and lovely scenery.
We're preparing for any kind of weather and expect to be out in it, no matter what the weather gods bring our way. Stay tuned as I report on our plans and our progress fitting everything we need into a couple of suitcases and a couple of day packs!