Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 5--We cross the Mississippi!

Brussels Ferry (by Smoky)
Phlox growing beside stream (by Smoky)
Our travels today took us across the mighty Mississippi, the Illinois River, and finally (later tonight) the Missouri River. First, we had to get across the Illinois River. We could have driven north to a bridge, but it was much more fun to take the Brussels Ferry! I discovered as we drove that there are a number of free ferries that cross the Illinois  River. The Brussels Ferry took us to a drop-off point near scenic drive that lead to Hannibal, Missouri, the city closest to the birthplace of Mark Twain. 

We planned to cross into Missouri near Louisiana, Missouri because we were intrigued by the name. Unfortunately, we could find nothing much to recommend Louisiana, but the road out of town turned out to be fascinating. Rolling hills, neatly cultivated land, tidy farm houses. As the road curved around a bend, we noticed a very old two-story house, one that whispered its story of past elegance. Even though now it had lost the second story porch on the front, the windows were all broken, and the fireplace had crumbled, it was still a compelling dwelling. We couldn't resist its allure, so we grabbed our cameras and walked up to the house to take some photos.
Old house, my version
Old house, Smoky's version
Window in old house
(by Smoky)

For a moment when we heard a noise toward the back of the house, I wondered if someone or something might be inside. As I stepped closer to the window, something swooped down right over my head and something else scampered across the grass! Yikes, was this place haunted? 

Smoky saw something moving in the tall grass behind the house. My heart raced! Who can resist a good ghost story in an abandoned house? 

Well, the house was not inhabited by a ghost, at least not one we saw. The noise we heard was from two large black dogs who were tracking a rabbit. That combined with swallows zooming in and out of the windows provided reasonable explanations for what we had seen and heard.

We spent so much time exploring this morning and afternoon that we had to really focus on driving to get across Missouri and part of Iowa so that we could reach our destination in Nebraska this evening. Fortunately we pulled into the motel just a little before a good-sized storm system was due to hit! 

Tomorrow promises rain. 


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